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Nadine Matton
Enseignante-Chercheuse - ENAC (École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile)
rattachée au laboratoire CLLE, équipe "Cognition en Situation Complexe"
Mots clés : différences individuelles d'aptitudes cognitives, sélection, pilotes de ligne, apprentissage en environnement incertain, modélisation psychométrique, multitasking
Publications :
Matton, N., Paubel, P., Cegarra, J. & Raufaste, E. (in press). Differences in Multitask Resource Reallocation after change in task values. Human Factors.
Matton, N., Raufaste, E., & Vautier, S. (2013). External validity of individual differences in multiple cue probability learning: The case of pilot training. Judgment and Decision Making, 8, 589-602.
Vautier, S., Veldhuis, M., Lacot, E., & Matton, N. (2012). The ambiguous utility of psychometrics for the interpretative founding of socially relevant avatars. Theory & Psychology. 22:6, 810-822.
Veldhuis, M., Matton, N., & Vautier, S. (2012). Using IRT to Evaluate Measurement Precision of Selection Tests at the French Pilot Training. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 22:1, 18-29.
Matton, N., Vautier, S., & Raufaste, E. (2011). Test-Specificity of the Advantage of Retaking Cognitive Ability Tests. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19, 11-17.
Matton, N., Vautier, S., & Raufaste, E. (2009). Situational Effects May Account for Gain Scores in Cognitive Ability Testing: A Longitudinal SEM Approach. Intelligence, 37, 412-421.
Communications avec actes :
Matton, N., & André, F. (2014). Flight training predictive validity of attention sharing with changing priorities. Oral presented paper at the Advances International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace. Santa Clara, California, USA. July 30-August 1.
Matton, N., Paubel, P., Cegarra, J., & Raufaste, E. (2014). Resource allocation strategies in multitasking after switch in task priorities. In K. Stanney and K.S. Hale (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2014 20 Volume Set: Proceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference 19-23 July 2014 (pp. 187-193). Krakow, Poland: AHFE Conference 2014.
Causse, M. & Matton, N. (2014). Using near infrared spectroscopy to detect mental overload in flight simulator. In K. Stanney and K.S. Hale (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2014 20 Volume Set: Proceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference 19-23 July 2014 (pp. 148-156). Krakow, Poland: AHFE Conference 2014.
Matton, N., Raufaste, E., & Vautier, S. (2012). Assessing self-rated confidence during cognitive tasks: An exploratory study in the context of pilot selection. Oral communication presented at the 30th European Association for Aviation Psychology Conference, Villasinius, Sardinia, 24-28 September.
Matton, N., Veldhuis, M., & Vautier, S. (2010). An Item Response Theory (IRT) approach to check correspondence between cut-off scores and maximal test information in French pilot selection. Proceedings of the 29th European Association for Aviation Psychology Conference, p.147-151, Budapest, Hungary, 20-24 september.
Matton, N., Raufaste, E., & Vautier, S. (2008). Différences interindividuelles dans l'apprentissage d'environnements incertains. Actes des XVIIIèmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, p.379-383, Genève, Suisse, 25-29 août.
Matton, N., Raufaste, E., & Vautier, S. (2008). Assessment of skill acquisition abilities in pilot's selection with nondeterministic learning tasks. Proceedings of the XXVIII European Association for Aviation Psychology Conference, p.50-54, Valence, Espagne, 27-31 octobre.Matton, N., Vautier, S., & Raufaste, E. (2006). L'analyse de l'effet retest dans la sélection par les tests mentaux. XVIIèmes journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Paris.
Coordonnées :
nadine.matton at enac.fr
Tel : +33(0) 5 62 25 96 18