Effect of Online Training Price and Price Perception on Quality and Benefit Perception in France

Publié le 4 octobre 2023 Mis à jour le 18 janvier 2024

Jean-Christophe Sakdavong (CLLE) , Hélène Larrieu , Annabel Levert , Laurent Dedieu , Gail Tidey

Editeur : Springer link
Date : 19 mai 2023
DOI : 10.1007/s42979-023-01856-4

With the health problem, digital training has assumed a major role in our society. Some of the numerous online training opportunities are free, allowing the user to learn without having to pay, but occasionally we may question about the worth of these training opportunities—do they provide the same quality as the paid ones? Our two studies, which gathered information from 245 and 114 individuals, demonstrates that a free course can have the same value and interest as a paid course and that the cost of an e-learning course does not always affect the value that the user attributes to it. We found that free training is an important deciding factor because it provides the training with an advantage over the identical paid service that goes beyond simple cost savings. As a result, free training may appear to the user to offer more overall benefits than expensive training. We also found that a price perceived as “a fair price” appear to the user as giving more benefits that an “expensive one”.