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Work and Cognition Lab
Since 1994, the Work and Cognition Lab, which became CLLE's component since 2007, is mainly focused on ergonomic psychology, ergonomics, and more generally the study of human cognition in complex situations.
With a hundred members, including 41 academics, the Work and Cognition Lab is the largest research unit in French ergonomics.Our research training policy is based on sending PhD students for short stays (1 to 2 months) in foreign laboratories.
Work and Cognition Lab was at the origin and now uses the platform Cognition, Behavior, Uses.
We combine a close link with the regional and national industrial companies and the demand for ever-increasing scientific competitiveness.
The four teams of the Work and Cognition Lab are:
Cognitive Ergonomics: memory, aging, rhythms
Social context and regulation of cognition
Cognition, communication and development
Work and Cognition Lab organizes seminars, upcoming sessions are announced in the Agenda section and the program of the year is available here.