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Social context and regulation of cognition
Social context and cognition regulation
The research conducted within this group relate to three themes:
1. Socio-cognitive regulation of reasoning and causal attribution processes
2. Cognition and social evaluation
· Knowledge of social norms and social judgment
· Social representations, collective processes and societal issues: environment, economics, organisations, history, and politics
3. Cognitive and social psychological engineering
· Legal psychology: evaluation, judgment and decision making, expertise
· Attitudes towards risk and prevention
We aim to investigate the cognitive and socio-cognitive processes of individuals situated within the context of significant social issues. The social cognition research approach adopted by our group is anchored in a number of areas, in which its members have recognized expertise: economics and decision making, justice, health, education, and training.
We have set three specific missions for our work:
1. A strong grounding in the environment
2. To articulate basic and applied research, but also to increase research impact through collaborations with the private sector and other forms of knowledge transfer
3. Active participation in national and international scientific networks
Group leader
Jacques Py (Professor)
Deputy group leader
Maja Becker (Dr)
Others permanent researchers
Nadine Cascino (Dr)
Rui da Silva Neves (Dr)
Bernard Gaffié (Emeritus professor)
Denis Hilton (Professor)
Céline Launay (Dr)
Valérie Le Floch (Dr)
Hiroko Norimatsu (Dr)
Stéphane Perrissol (Dr)
Fanny Verkampt (Dr)
Doctoral students
Olivier Dodier (co-direction)
Aurélie Mouneyrac
Dominique Pigière
Charlène Soubrier
Camille Srour
Postdoctoral researchers
Brigitte Bardin
Florent Bonnel
Romain Bouvet
Anna Studzinska
Anaïs Taddéï
Associate researchers
Colin Tredoux
(visiting chaire MisIdentificationContact 2016-2019)
Germano Vera Cruz
(MCF Université Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique)